Sense Gemini began his artistic career with the cello. His first electronic tentative steps he made in the early nineties on the good old Commodore Amiga 500. With the purchase of his professional music studio, his music received a more personal touch. He began experimenting with vocals and oriental instruments and gave his music a distinctive sound.

His first trance record was released in the year 2000 and played in the radio. In 2001, it was followed by another LP, which was much quiter and slower, based on several ambient classics as "The Orb". In 2002, he was present with the compilation "Sunset Boulevard 2" and further developed his sound. His creativity and flair for a special mix of styles, make it one of the most particular musicians in the electronic underground of the modern era.

Since 2017 Sense Gemini works for renowned companies like Vengeance Sound, ReFX, Parawave Audio & Image-Line and creates compositions and high quality sounds for their most popular synthesizers.

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